Welcome to 2021!
We are just about halfway through January.
This is the time many people set resolutions or goals.
Are you one of those people?
I will admit that I am not. Maybe it’s part of of my rebel personality, but I don’t need the beginning of a year to dictate what I’d like to accomplish. I set goals/intentions all year long and do regular check-ins.
I believe it is important to always be improving and growing.
I think it is valuable to check in with where you are currently are and where you would like to get to, at ANY time of the year.
Think about the GPS on your phone, it can’t direct you where to go if you don’t tell it where you want to go. It also has to have a starting point. If you don’t tell the GPS where you are, it certainly cannot tell you how to get to where you want to go.
You are your own personal GPS.
You need to acknowledge and accept where you are before you can start down the road of where you want to go.
You may have set a goal a few weeks ago and are already “failing” at it. Let me suggest that you reevaluate WHY you set the goal.
If it is because you really dislike something about yourself and want it different NOW! That is not a useful starting point.
The starting point needs to come from a place of true love and compassion. This looks like “I would really like to improve ______ about myself, but am so grateful for where I am right now.”
Do you see the difference? It isn't starting from a place of there is something wrong with me. It is starting from the loving place that I am totally amazing right now and would still like to continue improving.
When this is our starting point, the end point is so much more clear and so much more fun to achieve!
Sometimes starting from that place of love can be the hardest part – that is where I come in. As a life coach for women, I can help you starting seeing and believing in yourself. Set up a free consultation if you want to find out more and set yourself up for some great things!