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Free Holiday Survival Guide

We are now into November....that means the Holiday Season is upon us!

The holidays can be a wonderful time full of traditions, good food, and spending time with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers (maybe more virtually this year). But does the thought of attending these gatherings stress you out? Or cause you to feel angst or dread because you might have to associate with that person, the one who bugs you, or who thinks very differently than you, or who has to be right, or just doesn't do things how you would?

I have great news for you:

Your holidays do not need to be ruined by these difficult people.

In fact, why not make this the best holiday season ever! May as well at least end 2020 on a high note, am I right??

This FREE 5-step guide to help you enjoy the holidays and to feel more connected to those people that you don't always get along with is available on my home page. You're welcome :)! I have used these tools in my own life and am so grateful I have them during this time of so much division.

I know they also will help you! Pass them along to anyone you think could use them.

And if you really want to make the holidays this year the best ever, signup for some coaching sessions with me. My mission in life is to help all of us feel connected to other people. Especially to those 'difficult people' in our life.

If we start coaching right now, I know you will be ready for a fantastic Thanksgiving and for a beautiful Christmas season. We can accomplish so much in even 6 sessions. Signup for an initial free session here where we will talk about the benefits of life coaching and any questions you might have.

Let's make it a holly, jolly Christmas

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