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Finding your Awesomeness!

Amber McNamee

Are you feeling ready for Christmas? I hope you are enjoying this magical, sacred time of year. I want to tell you about my husband today. He is an amazing guy in so many amazing ways. He just never stops learning or wanting to learn new things. It is very impressive to me!

He is known as the guy who knows it all (although I like to call him on that), but that is probably a fair description because he seeks to learn and continue growing himself.

He has learned how to not only fly an airplane but also teach others to fly.

He learned how to make the best French bread.

He is a master meat-smoker.

He taught himself to make beautiful French omelets (makes one every day).

He has learned Romanian.

He rides motorcycles and mountain bikes.

In his mid-40’s he decided to learn how to ski.

And most recently, he decided to teach himself to play the Bass.

Impressive right?

I’m not even going to try to keep up. But what I love about his example is that he is truly striving to live his best life. He is fulfilling his earthly mission of learning and growing.

We were not created to be stagnant creatures. We were not sent to earth to merely exist. We are here to thrive, to create, to love, to experiment, to grow. As this year comes to a close it's a good time to look back at what you've learned this year. It has been a year of much growth and lessons. Take this time to recognize how you've improved and stretched yourself. And then make a conscious look forward -- how could you push yourself next year? What is something you want to learn, or understand, or improve on? You can pick one thing, or ten, but the act of setting goals and wanting to improve yourself helps you develop more self-love and connection. It is some of the most fun work I do with my clients. I would love to work with you as well!

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