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Amber McNamee

How do you like your eggs?

What a wonderful time to be alive.

Do you feel that way?

Yes, it is a challenging and unique time right now, but also how awesome!

We have been given the opportunity to set the distractions of the world to the side for a bit and spend more time at home and together as families.

Individually, we have been given the opportunity to turn inward and discover what we believe, how we are feeling and why, and to trust those beliefs. This hasn't come without some suffering and anxiety, but I believe it was all worth it.

This actually caused me to think about the simple egg. The only way to get to the egg inside is by cracking the eggshell. And even though that can sometimes create a mess (especially if you're 8 years old and learning how to crack an egg), it is always worth it because it is the egg we desire, not the shell. In fact, the shell is disposed of.

So, why do we try so hard to keep our "shell" intact?

I think it's because the shell is the stuff of life we have some control over, the stuff that is easier to deal with. We think it is easier to fill our lives with "distractions" and other "good things" rather than being willing to crack open the shell and see and or deal with what is on the inside.

Once we crack an egg, we have to do something with it. It can't sit on the counter unless you want a really big mess. It needs to be used, whether in a recipe or cooked in some way. And that is why we avoid cracking our shell because then we are going to have to do something with what we find inside

While working from home the past several months, my husband decided to master the French omelet. He has practiced a lot and has produced some very tasty final products. Needless to say, we have gone through a lot of eggs. It is only in cracking eggs that these omelets have come to fruition. If those eggs remained in the carton in their shell, he wouldn't have learned a new skill and we all wouldn't have benefited from the purpose of those eggs.

Are you catching my drift?

Can you see how these past few months have cracked your shell?

Have they allowed you to look inward and decide what you want to create with what you find?

Or have you remained intact, too scared to move out of your zone of control? I get it - that is definitely where I feel more comfortable. But I also know that great things never come from being in our comfort zone.

Join me in feeling a bit of discomfort. In cracking the shell and discovering all the goodness we have to offer!

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